A Welcoming Week birthday & very overdue house-warming gathering

September 29, 2024 - 2:00 pm

Welcoming Week (www.welcomingweek.org.au) ends on September 22nd this year, the day before my birthday and 18 odd months after I bought my home and so what better reason to finally kick my butt into gear and host a very belated housewarming shindig?! Come over and spend a Sunday afternoon amongst the Kate-pink bougainvilleas outside and imagine-a-rainbow-threw-up-all-of-its-colour decor inside. I’ll provide some snacks and drinks, bring some along too if you remember and/or feel like it. This year’s Welcoming Week theme is #WhatBringsUsTogether – food, drinks, good friends (you all!), a shared belief in creating beauty and hope in this world, all seem pretty fab excuses to bring us together! No presents – just your presence is ALLL I want. Kids + partners + cute pups welcome!

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