Evento de la Semana de Bienvenida
September Mushroom Meander
September 21, 2024 - 11:00 am
Join Park Educators and Gary Davenport, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist, as we hike and search for mushrooms. Meet at Slippery Rock Pavilion (130 East Dr.). Hike will be ~2 miles on uneven terrain. Please wear hiking shoes, dress for the weather, and bring a mushroom field guide if you have one. We will stop along the way to identify mushrooms as we come across them. Registration required. Register/pay by 9/19 online or call 330.740.7107 ext. 129. No pets. No walk-ins. $3. For more information call (330) 740-7107 Ext. 176.
Detalles del evento
Organización anfitrionaMill Creek Metroparks
Dirección del eventoYoungstown, OH, USA
Se requiere inscripción